Showing posts with label Los Angeles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Los Angeles. Show all posts

Notes on Raising Capital

Generate traction and revenue. investors portfolios last on average about 10 years. Don't loose control of the company by giving it away. There is more syndication going on (spreading the risk). Investors invest in a management. Capital efficiency means I am lean, this is key.

Business to Business is a market that gets allot of attention. "Nice to have" is a copycat. Be significant. 

Intellectual Property (I.P.) is a very important asset for your company. 

a Light IP is an app made with other existing tools. 

Women are 12% of all easy state investments.


NETWORKING is the #1 way of raising capital. Who do I know?

 Los Angeles wants revenue and content, Silicon Valley wants tech and New York wants eyes.

What investors are looking for?
1. Management Team
2. A unique Idea in an empty space.
3. A breakthrough idea
4. Scaleability, it has to scale.
5. Defensability. Patents, Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Corporate Structure (Corp, LLC) 

How to Pitch Investors?
Prepare with:
10 Slides
20 Minute
30 point type

In reality, expect to get 3-6 minutes. Sound-byte it. Turn a 30 second pitch to a 60 second "tell me more".

Investors care about the deal. What is the valuation? How does the technology work? Why is it unique, and how can I prove it?

Assume my pitch will save their portfolio.

When choosing your investment partner, do your research! 

The Terms

What  are the terms? Whats your term sheet like?

Alternative forms of raising capital?
Strategic partnerships, revenue creating deals. (I'm a huge fan of this)

Take money as late as possible. Ask for enough capital to keep going.

Super angels make bets.

VC's grow their portfolio.

Los Angeles Small Business and Entrepreneurs Needed is seeking small business and entrepreneurial candidates from the Los Angeles to interview. Candidates should be willing to share their background, advice, strategies and business philosophies with our readers.

About - MO is run by a team of entrepreneurs, so we get energized talking with others that have traveled down the same path of launching a new business or even those just about to embark on the adventure of starting a business. For a better idea of what we are after in our interviews, please check out
our site at We interview entrepreneurs from all walks, across all industries, and from around the world. We focus on their habits and methods; what makes them tick.


Must be from the Los Angeles area


Name: Mike Sullivan

Tax Havens For Internet Companies

If your website or business does not operate out of a corporation or LLC, you’ve probably given some thought at one time or another as to whether there is any benefit to you or your business to have one. Online businesses are different from traditional businesses in many ways that make them especially good candidates for operating out of a formal business entity.

Website Magazine
One of the great benefits of incorporating is that you create legal separation between you and your business. In other words, your business is its own legal entity. It has its own bank account, pays its own taxes and, most importantly, has the option of “living” in whichever state (or country) you decide. Why then, do so many business owners limit themselves by forming corporations in their home state? Unless you are one of the lucky few that happen to live in a tax haven such as Nevada or Wyoming, take into consideration whether or not your state is the best tax climate for your company.

However, while businesses can “live” in whichever state they desire (technically called “domiciled”), they still have to register and pay taxes in each state where they transact business. And while each state has a different idea of what that term means, for the most part, if you have employees or office space in a particular state, you are transacting business there.

Qualifying Online Businesses and Tax Havens

If you operate a pure online business chances are your company only exists in a virtual world. If you don't keep office space and instead of employees you have independent contractors — such as programmers and server administrators, who are often in developing countries — you are a perfect candidate for saving on taxes via a tax haven.

Tax havens are generally states that are very pro-business and tax-free — no corporate taxes, franchise taxes or personal income taxes. There are two major tax havens in the United States — Nevada and Wyoming. The only significant difference between the two is that Wyoming seems to offer lower fees and doesn’t carry the tax haven stigma that Nevada has developed over the years.

If you have a truly virtual online business, all you have to do is form a Nevada or Wyoming corporation. Keep in mind that it can’t be an LLC unless you elect corporate taxation with the IRS. Otherwise, all of your income will pass through to your individual tax return in the state in which you live. This means that you will have to pay state taxes on the income at an individual level as if it were income to yourself.

When forming your corporation, it’s recommended to use a professional service. If you choose to go it alone, you may have to spend many more hours than you realize to understand the filing procedures and the nuances of that particular state — all from hundreds of miles away. A better bet is to use a national company with associates who specialize in each state and not only know the required filings, but also maintain strong relationships with state employees — an important factor to getting things filed in a timely manner.

Keep in mind that as soon as you issue yourself payroll, your corporation or LLC will need to register to transact business in your state — which means it will have to pay taxes from all income derived in that state. Therefore, you should try to take money out of your company in the form of loans and dividends.

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Tax Havens For Online Businesses - Website Magazine - Website Magazine

StarryEYES Music at Battle of Bands

Help my friend Nick out and vote. His band StarryEYES Music is awesome. He has a show coming up at the Whiskey here in Hollywood. To view the event you can go here.

Twilight Landing At LAX Cockpit View

LAX Cockpit View

A very cool and recent Twilight Landing at LAX, this is cockpit view. You see everything from Thousand Oaks,The offices, My House, Malibu, Santa Monica, Watts, Inglewood. Really cool video. Be sure to share this on your Facebook page.

Landing at LAX International Airport via the SADDE Six Arrival.

The song is "Los Angeles" by Sugarcult.