Looking for
High-Profile Real Estate Agents in Los Angeles
Bravo TV's Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles is Now Casting!!!
The producers of BRAVO's hit TV show "Million Dollar Listing LA"
are searching for a high-end real estate agent to add to the
fabulous cast!
Now casting a prominent, big-personality real estate agent in
Los Angeles who handles the most high-profile clients, buyers,
sellers and listings in town.
If you're a real estate agent with million dollar listings and
live a life of lavish opulence ... .WE MAY WANT YOU!!!
To be considered: Shoot an email including a brief bio of who
you are, where you live, and where you work. Tell us about your
listings and neighborhoods, clients, social circle, and why
you'd be great for the show. Attach a recent photo, photos of
your listings/sales and phone number where you can be reached.
Must have a constant flow of listings to be considered. Must be
a serious player in the real estate world.
Angela Weingrad Bravo's "Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles"