I was cleaning out my favorites today and came up with a list of some of my favorite daily sites
I've been visiting this site for sometime now and have done some really cool focus groups that have paid me anywhere from 50-300 bucks for an hour or 2 of my time. not bad huh.. check it out..tell me what you think. Hope this makes some of you some good side cash.
This site has the coolest concept. Useres dicatate whats on the homepage based on if you dig an article. love it!
If you run any type of business this site is a must read. really useful articles and videos you can play in the background at work to get your education on.
One mans trash another mans treasure right? my roomate makes so much money on this site. where as i spend allot of money on this site..lol
I'll add some more later over the weekend.
My lover man........