The proper business structure for a California Dispensary or Collective

With the recent surge in CA of Dispensary's and Collectives, we are coming across allot that are not filed properly to meet state guidelines.

Under state law, the California Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (Prop. 215) patients and their "primary caregivers" are protected from criminal prosecution for personal possession and cultivation of marijuana, but NOT for distribution or sale to others. State law was expanded in 2004 by a new law, Senate Bill 420 (Health & Safety Code 11362.7-8). Among other things, SB 420 authorized patient "cooperatives" or "collectives" to distribute or sell medical marijuana on a non-profit basis to their members. It also allowed duly designated primary caregivers who consistently attend to patients' needs to charge for their labor and services in providing marijuana.

You need to work with an experienced lawyer or document filing service to help you get started correctly or fix any filing mistake you may have made.

you can contact;

Bruce M Margolin Esq Here is California @ 800-420-5297 (we wrote the book on this)

and to help you file your CA Non Profit Corporation they charge a total of $252 to get your CA non Profit started.

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