If your Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation is no longer in business
States have laws related to the dissolving your entitiy.Business entities that have been filed have compliance requirements even when the company isn't actively engaged in business. As long as a company is filed with a Secretary of State office - even if it is not in good standing, it is considered to be in existence.
To stop fees from being incurred and to legally protect yourself, it is important that you formally and legally dissolve,withdraw (foreign filed entities) or cancel your business. If you fail to do so, the state could continue to assess fees on your business entity, and in many cases, the principals of the entity could be personally responsible for fees or taxes – or held liable for unforeseen actions against the company.
Legally ending your entity protects you from these kinds of events.
The Process
Fill out the online order form on MyLLC.com®
MyLLC.com® will prepare and file your necessary documents to dissolve/withdraw/cancel your entity.
Once MyLLC receives the filed certificate of dissolution, withdrawal or cancellation from the secretary of state, they will prepare a final packet and mail it to you.
Great read, thanks Greg, just used MyLLC to close my corporation.